Ovarian Cyst Miracle

Ovarian Cyst Miracle

Ovarian Cysts – Risks and Complications

(This article is based on the book, Ovarian Cyst Miracle by Carol Foster. Carol is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic ovarian cyst solution guaranteed to permanently cure all types of ovarian cysts and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication or surgery, and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website here)


Women suffering from Ovarian Cysts are more concerned about the risks and complications of ovarian cysts, rather than for the disease itself. These concerns are not ill founded as ovarian cysts can cause many upheavals in the life of a woman because of the resulting complications. In order to avoid these complications and to seek appropriate treatment, an understanding of the risks and complications associated with ovarian cysts is essential.

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Understanding Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid filled sacks, which are formed within the ovary. Cysts, which are bigger than two centimeters, are formally diagnosed as ovarian cysts. Many ovarian cysts are functional in nature. That is, they are beginning and rarely ever cause complications. However in some cases, the cysts may develop certain complications.

Risks and complications of ovarian cysts depend on the type of cyst and the stage of treatment. Some types of risks complications, which are associated with ovarian cysts, include the following – Ruptured ovarian cyst, Ovarian torsion, Peritonitis, Infertility, Cancer.

This is one the most serious form of complication. Ruptured ovarian cyst can lead to internal bleeding and in some cases it can be very dangerous. Ruptured ovarian cyst can cause hemorrhage, which requires immediate medical attention.

Sometimes, there is also twisting of the ovary, which can lead to infertility. Ovarian torsion may disturb blood supply to the ovary as well. This leads to another complication called as ovarian necrosis, which leads inflammation and septic shock

Pertitonitis is the inflammation of the mucus membrane. As this membrane lines the abdomen cavity, it can cause excruciating pain and in some cases the resulting complications can be life threatening.

Infertility caused by ovarian cysts can be temporary or permanent depending upon the extent of the damage. Hence, women suffering from ovarian cysts and those desirous of starting a family should take ovarian cysts really seriously.

In rare but significant instances, ovarian cysts may even turn cancerous. The patient will then require the usual cancer treatment along with surgery, where generally both the ovaries are removed.

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Besides these serious complications and risks, ovarian cysts also lead to excruciating pain and hormonal imbalance. This can affect the mental and emotional well being of the patient as well. However, conventional medicine very rarely pays attention to the mental and emotional complications that may develop because of ovarian cysts. The treatment options can cause many side effects like loss of fertility, weight gain, and reoccurrence of stronger cysts. Therefore, many women find it difficult to cope with the demands of the conventional treatment, which can worsen an already difficult condition.

Hence, to overcome the risks and complications of ovarian cysts along with the disease, you will need a, more comprehensive and holistic approach. Holistic approach is very effective as it treats the root cause of the condition and not the symptoms. Symptoms are attractive propositions to treat as relief in symptoms give a false sense of security. However, holistic approach shatters this conventional thinking by clearly eliminating the root cause. Therefore, holistic approach can not only treat ovarian cysts, but can also prevent the risks and complications of ovarian cysts in the bargain.

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Faq About Ovarian Cysts


1. How important are the follicular cysts?

The follicle contains the egg which is normally released from this sac when it is mature enough. After the sac had ruptured and set free the egg, it will normally disintegrate. But when this sac does not rupture it will continue to grow and if it ends up measuring more than 8 cm then surgery is necessary. In most of the cases they do not get so large because they shrink after ovulation. If the follicular cyst breaks then pelvic pain will be felt by the women for at least 24 hours due to the bleeding which irritates the abdominal cavity. If bleeding does not stop then he surgeon must interfere and resolve this problem.

2. How are the follicular cysts diagnosed?

Diagnosing such cysts is made with an ultrasound tool. Also, a pelvic exam is helpful in a lot of cases. Without any complication the follicular cysts will disappear after 3 to 6 weeks. Sometimes the ovarian cysts can be confused with ovarian cancer so more tests must be done in order to be sure of the diagnose.

3. What is the corpus luteum cyst?

Generally after the egg is removed from the follicle and if the woman is not pregnant the follicle has to transform into luteum( also known as the yellow body), a smaller sac and then disintegrate. If this small sac gets filled with liquid and measures more than 3 cm it will form the corpus luteum cyst which will remain inside the ovary. This cyst generally ruptures during sexual intercourse and in the last days of the menstrual cycle.

In both follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts cases, oral contraceptive therapy seems to prevent them from forming.

4. What is the endometrial cyst?

The endometrial tissue is normally found in the uterus but sometimes it can form in other places like outside the ovaries. They are produced during the menstrual cycle by hormone simulation and contain blackish blood which gives them the name of chocolate cysts. Their rupture leads to pelvic pain as all the material they contain gets in that area and creates adhesions between the local structures.

5. Are there any symptoms for the ovarian cysts?

At the beginning while these cysts are still under 3 cm there will be no symptoms. If they get to be larger than 10 cm or they rupture than pain on both sides or only on one side of the abdomen will occur. This pain differs in intensity during the menstruation cycle for each type of ovarian cyst.

6. Is there a risk of infertility if I have ovarian cysts?

The endometrial cyst is the only one that can interfere with the egg release and pickup. These cysts do not affect the quality of the egg but they can affect the ovulation and the follicular development.

7. What other ways are there of diagnosing an ovarian cyst besides ultrasounds?

There can be performed blood tests along with MRI and CT scanning in order to exclude the possibility of an ovarian cancer.

8. How exactly are these cysts treated?

Many gynecologists will recommend the patient an oophorectomy, meaning that the ovary will need to be removed. Sometimes even the hysterectomy will be considered as a measure of treatment. Some surgeons try to remove the cysts safely without spilling any of their contents into the abdomen and then try to reconstruct the ovary.

For more info about pain from ovarian cyst or even about ruptured ovarian cyst please review this page http://www.ovarian-cysts-center.com/

Groshan Fabiola